Monday, November 18, 2013

Saddling Up

Welcome Ya'll

I am so happy you have found this wonderful blog. I am embarking on yet another adventure and what better way then to reach more people than by doing a blog bit about it!!!

As John Wayne said:
                Courage is being scared to death and saddleing up anyways.

I have done that exact thing more times than I can count, seriously. I have climbed onto the back of a thousand pound animal that is foaming in sweat, it's rib cage heaving in and out, knowing full well that this beast could kill me, and I saddle up anyways.

So, I am saddleing this horse and going for it. For years I have wanted to stay at home with my children, and still manage to make some income doing what I love. We live in an area that only allows me to train those wild beasts 8 months out of the 12. If your good at math, that leaves me 4 months with nothing to do, and a tight budget. I have tinkered around through the years making crafts, and knick knacks for my home and for friends. I made custom frames a few years back that I would sell with my own personal photography. Time was always lacking, and other more important things to presidence over a simple hobby.

Times have changed and I can devote more time to these simple things that I love. I created Farm Girl Furniture for an outlet for my creativity, and because my house can only hold so much. Check back often, you can also like me on Facebook, watch for me on Pinterest and anywhere else I might pop up. Who knows maybe in your favorite stores someday. Thanks for supporting me, my habit, and my family.

You are all friends here, and in my neck of the woods your welcome at my camp fire anytime.